Monday, January 21, 2013

"you can't know where you're going until you know where you've been": 2012 in pictures

Well, happy 2013 (roughly three weeks late)! I realize this post is quite tardy, but I've been wanting to write it for quite some time so that should count for something. Thank goodness one of my new year's resolutions wasn't to stop procrastinating...or to blog more. Those would have already been epic fails.

Nevertheless, in the spirit of the quote on the post's title, I always think it is good to reflect on the past year so better late than never. As I look back on 2012, I can honestly say I have never more clearly seen God's hand on my life, orchestrating every single detail. Perhaps my eyes were just more open in 2012? But more on that later.

Here is an abridged list of some 2012 highlights with accompanying pictures. I do not anticipate any rhyme or reason to the order, so here goes nothin' (and prepare yourself for serious picture overload):

1. Celebrated Christy's and Crystal's birthdays:

2. Speaking of birthdays, threw a blowout surprise 60th birthday for the pops

3. Traveled to a fantasy-land of flowers (also known as taking a walk in Virginia in the spring) and took on DC again with the fousins for Easter

4. Watched princess Hay dance a magical sugar plum fairy ballet (I cried)

5. Made a lot of pizzas and had a lot of laughs with these precious loves


6. Took my first trip to Europe, Italian style (enough said)

7. Moved into this house

8. Hosted a lot of parties at said house

9. Speaking of parties, I celebrated my golden birthday with one

9. Also celebrated the birthdays of these lovely ladies

10. Which means a made a lot of these in 2012

11. Took on the ATX with 3 of my best girls (also included a rare sighting of JB)

12. Spent Thanksgiving in DC and toured Mt. Vernon for the 1st time

13. Celebrated the birth of our Savior (and a very white Christmas) with dear family and friends


Of course, there were many more memories and examples of God's grace in 2012, but I think 500 pictures might just be my max. Amidst the pain, chaos, suffering, and difficult times, God has been good. He has been so faithful to constantly remind me that He is here and that His love never fails. It is in trusting Him and learning what submission looks like that I have experienced freedom.

As I look to this new year (now ~3 weeks in), my prayer or "resolution" is to continue to learn submission - to hold everything I have with an open hand, willing to give and receive whatever it is the Lord places in my life. So what, dear reader, is your prayer of resolution for 2013?